Sheila Seepersaud-Jones
I can best be described as a ceramic sculptor, with a real capacity for handling the material and taking it on a journey of exploration, back to my roots, rich in imagery and content. |
Born in Guyana, Sheila taught English before coming to England to train as a nurse. She developed an interest in the arts and achieved a B.A. Honours degree in Fine Art [sculpture] at St Martin’s School of Art, London. Lately, she is concentrating on clay to explore texture, colour and pattern on three dimensional surfaces.
Sheila has exhibited in numerous galleries in the UK including the Anna Bornholt gallery, The Barbican and the Royal Festival Hall. During 1986-87 she was resident artist and visiting lecturer in ceramics at the University of Houston, USA. She now lives and works in London.
Contact Sheila on 020 8458 5530 or 07914 378203
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